Rental terms


1.1. The service includes: vehicle rental for the no. of days and kilometers indicated in the contract, insurance: civil liability (insures against damages caused to third parties), “green card” (international EU insurance coverage document), theft and fire (insures against the total or partial loss of the vehicle owing to theft or fire), Kasko accidental damage insurance (insurance against damages to the vehicle as a result of crashes, collisions, overturning). The various insurance coverages may be subject to an excess lialiby/minimum which varies from the rental station. Indicatively, the excess liability/minimums are 10% of the commercial value of the vehicle in case of theft and Euro 1500 in case of damages to the vehicle for each single damage incident/accident (excluding damages inside the vehicle for which there is no insurance coverage and for which the customer is entirely responsible).
1.2. The service does not include: fuel, flat tires, damages to tires and hubs, blankets and kitchenwares.

2.1. The rented vehicle shall be used in such a way as to always be covered by the insurance.
2.2. The Customer undertakes to use the vehicle with due diligence so as to warrant the safety of the persons on board and the integrity of third parties and of things as well as of the rented vehicle itself.
2.3. Specifically it shall not be possible to use and drive the vehicle as follows:
a) for purposes other than the transfer and lodging of people. The following activities are not compatible with the present contract:
1) sub-rental of the vehicle
2) lending of the vehicle free of charge to persons which are not included in the list of crew members
3) for commercial purposes, in whatever form, such as the transport of persons or goods against payment, the sale of goods, etc.
b) in overload conditions and/or with a number of persons on board greater than the number authorized on the vehicle registration papers
c) on non-paved roads or “off road”
d) by persons aged under 21 (and who have had their driving permit for less than two years) or who are aged over 70, unless the Blurent center expressly grants its authorization, and/or by persons without a valid driving license for the countries in which the vehicle will be driven.
e) by persons whose conditions are not adequate or do not comply with the provisions of the traffic regulations of the country in which the vehicle is being used (tiredness, drunkenness, invalidity (even if temporary, affected by the use of drugs, etc.)
f) for illegal purposes
g) for the towing of trailers not authorized by the Blurent Center
h) for races or competitions
i) at speeds higher than those permitted by the traffic regulations of the country in which the vehicle is being used or by the maximum limits set by the manufacturer.
2.4. Use of the vehicle in violation of even just one of the provisions laid down in clauses 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 will entail the loss of the entire guarantee deposit paid and the immediate confiscation of the vehicle. In addition the Customer will be liable for all damages caused to the vehicle, to the Blurent Center and to third parties. The Customer shall bear all liabilities, be they civil, penal or administrative, that should result from the violation of this clause. The Customer shall promptly reimburse the Blurent Center any amounts paid in advance by the Center for possible violations or it shall proceed to the direct payment of the same.
2.5. The Customer declares that he is aware of the regulations which govern vehicle insurance in Italy, the clauses of the Italian traffic regulations and the regulations in force in the country in which the vehicle will be used.
2.6. Safekeeping of the vehicle: when not traveling, the Customer undertakes to leave the vehicle in a guarded parking lot, and, in any case, duly locked. The Customer shall be answerable and thus liable for all of the possible damages which in some way can be traced back to a negligent safekeeping of the vehicle according to the provisions specified. Where said damages exceed the amount of the guarantee deposit paid by the Customer, the Customer shall cover the damages in full even beyond the amount of the guarantee deposit.
2.7. Animals: authorization for the transport of pets shall be given by the Blurent Center on a case to case basis.
2.8. Vehicles are not equipped to be used at temperatures below -10%°C.
2.9. Smoking is not permitted on the vehicles.

3.1. The insurance coverage is described in clause 1.1. The Customer undertakes not to adopt a conduct or bring about events which could make the insurance coverage guaranteed by the policies described in point 1.1 void or null. The Customer declares to have read and accepted this clause and the general insurance terms and conditions.
3.2. The personal belongings, clothes and other things carried in the motorhome are not covered by the insurance. Furthermore, the insurance is null in case of driving in a state of drunkenness, or under the effect of drugs or if the Customer has supplied false information as to his identity, address, etc. or has presented false or inexact documents.
3.3. Furthermore, the insurance is valid exclusively in the countries listed in the “green card” (international EU insurance coverage document), and it is thus prohibited to travel with vehicles rented from the Blurent Center in countries not listed in the “green card” (international EU insurance coverage document).

4) LIABILITY (PENAL AND CIVIL) OF THE CUSTOMER – Damages to the vehicle and to the Blurent Center
4.1. The Customer shall be directly liable for all violations of road and parking regulations
4.2. In case of theft of the vehicle, of all or part of its equipment, in case of fire or accident, the Customer shall notify the Blurent Center within 24h by e-mail or fax., failing which he shall be directly liable for all of the damages or loss resulting from his failure to inform the company , be they damages to the vehicle, the Blurent Center or to third parties.
4.3. In the case of damages to goods belonging to third parties, or to third parties themselves, the customer shall fill in the “accident report form” CID (the amicable declaration form for collecting the data regarding the accident) and possibly make the other party sign it too. In all other cases the Customer shall require that the police authorities intervene and he shall ensure that the written reports and accident declarations be filled in with all the personal data and addresses of all of the persons involved and of possible witnesses and with the license plate numbers of the vehicles involved. The customer shall obtain copy of the aforementioned documents from the police authorities and send copy thereof to the Blurent Center within 48 h of the accident. The Customer shall not take on any liabilities or responsibilities on behalf of or in the place and stead of the Blurent Center.
4.4. Furthermore, the Customer shall be liable, where he is responsible for the damages caused, for the daily cost of the vehicle while immobilized for repairs. This cost shall be calculated on the basis of the rental cost per day during the period in question.
4.5. In case of damages to or theft of the vehicle, the Customer also authorizes the Blurent Center to withhold the entire guarantee deposit. The damages shall be quantified and notified promptly to the customer within 7 days of the return of the vehicle. The difference between the amount of the guarantee deposit and the amount of the damages or the corresponding insurance excess, less the deductions provided for in the general terms and conditions where applicable, shall be returned to the customer within 30 days of the date of the notice. In case of the theft of the vehicle o multiple damages the customer shall be liable for the entire amount of the corresponding excesses and shall be liable for paying the difference between the total amount owed and the amount already withheld as guarantee deposit. The conditions for this payment shall be specified by the Rental Center.
4.6. In case of violations of the traffic regulations and pursuant to clauses 6 and 7 below, the Customer shall be liable for the entire damage or loss. For each violation. The Blurent center reserves the right to debit Euro 30 to the Customer to cover the administrative expenses involved.
4.7. In case of third party liability claims involving another vehicle of the same company, this coverage will no longer be active and the all-risk liability shall be applied to both vehicles. The corresponding excess/minimums shall be applied, in addition to other expenses, and shall be borne by the party at fault.

5) LABILITY OF THE RENTAL CENTER – damages to the Customer
5.1. The Blurent Center does not take on any liability for the possible damages which the crew or the crew’s goods may incur after handing over the vehicle to the Customer.
5.2. The Blurent Center shall similarly not be liable for any shortcomings, breakdowns or other vices which are not indicated in the pick-up and drop off conditions checklist which the Customer shall have filled in together with the head of the Blurent Center or one of its agents.
5.3. The Blurent Center shall furthermore not be liable for possible problems that might arise due to involuntary delays, mechanical breakdowns or negligence of the rental team, nor for the cancellation or delays of the rental trip owing to illness, natural calamities, strikes, wars, weather conditions , quarantines, etc.
5.4. In the case the Customer is forced to suspend the trip, he shall immediately notify the Blurent Center, or in any case do so within 24 hours, so that the Center can organize the return of the vehicle in the most adequate way, debiting the corresponding expenses to the Customer.
5.5. Similarly the Blurent Center shall not be liable for problems or delays which are involuntary or not due to the Blurent Center which may arise before the delivery of the vehicle or at the time of the delivery itself.
5.6. The Blurent Center shall also not be responsible for any event which might arise after the delivery of the vehicle which might make the use of the vehicle either partly or completely impossible, such as an illnesses or other impairment of the Customer, including the impossibility to use the vehicle as planned, owing to accidents – even if caused by third parties and covered by the insurance – natural calamities, strikes, wars, quarantines, theft of the vehicle, etc. In these cases the Customer shall pay for the entire rental.
5.7. The Blurent Center reserves the right to delay the beginning of the rental for which the contract has been made in the case of mechanical breakdowns, or other delays or impairments due to acts of God. In case of delays of over 48 hours, the Blurent Center shall promptly inform the Customer who shall reserve the right to obtain the reimbursement of the full amount paid and the rescission of the contract, without the Blurent Center having to reimburse anything extra.
5.8. No reductions in price shall be made for vehicles returned prior to the scheduled drop-off or for requests to shorten the rental period once the reservation has been confirmed.
5.9. Should the motorhome specified in the booking confirmation no longer be available, the Blurent center reserves the right to supply another vehicle of the same or of a higher category.

6.1. The Customer declares to have inspected the vehicle and the standard equipment on board and to have attested its working order and the absence of vices and that the equipment on board corresponds to the list of equipment attached.
6.2. The vehicle shall be returned in the same conditions in which it was delivered, that is, with a full tank of gas, a full level of oil and in good hygienic conditions. It shall be perfectly clean both inside and out and the WC and gray water tanks shall be emptied (the discharge valves shall be left open). Shall the Customer fail to perform these tasks, the corresponding material and labour costs shall be deducted from the guarantee deposit. Failure to empty the black waters shall entail a charge of Euro 50 while additional cleaning costs vary from a minimum of Euro 50 to a maximum of Euro 150.
6.3. The Customer shall reimburse the Blurent Center for all damages, losses or vices brought to the vehicle or its equipment which shall be noticed upon the return of the vehicle or, if not immediately noticeable, which shall be notified to the Customer within 24 hours.
6.4. Odometer – in the event that the odometer breaks, the Customer shall promptly notify the Blurent Center. In case the Blurent Center notices upon the return of the vehicle that the odometer has been tampered with, the Customer shall be charged the equivalent of 400 km per day for each day of the rental.
6.5. Maintenance: the Customer undertakes to carry on the maintenance of the vehicle rented to him with due diligence in accordance with the maintenance manual of the manufacturer, to protect the water pipes from freezing, to change the oil in the motor, should the oil change be scheduled during the rental period (the cost of the oil change shall be reimbursed in full by the Blurent Center upon presentation of the corresponding invoice) and to perform all that is necessary to keep the vehicle in good working order.

7.1. All expenses related to mechanical breakdowns, not caused by a lack of diligence on the part of the Customer or to actions thereof, shall be reimbursed by the Blurent Center upon the return of the vehicle upon presentation of the corresponding invoice made out to the Blurent Center detailing all of the repairs made. Any spare parts that are replaced shall be returned to the Blurent Center.
7.2. Authorization of the Blurent Center must be requested and obtained in writing for repairs amounting to over €150.00.
7.3. Repairs shall in any case be made, whenever possible, by a mechanic authorized by the manufacturer of the vehicle.
7.4. The Customer undertakes to solve any problems that might arise during the rental, on the basis, whenever possible, of the suggestions given by the Blurent Center and the operators of the Road Assistance Company, whose emergency contact numbers shall be supplied at the pick- up of the vehicle.

8.1. The pick-up and drop off of the vehicle shall be made at the Blurent Center specified in the contract or in the location specified in the reservation voucher.
8.2. The rental period may begin and end on any day of the week, within the pick-up/drop off hours indicated in the reservation voucher.
Pick-up/drop off outside the agreed times or on non-working days is possible, subject to prior agreements, with the payment of a surcharge.
exception made for Sundays and holidays unless specifically agreed upon.
8.3. Should the vehicle not be returned to the location agreed upon in the voucher, the costs of the pick-up of the vehicle, of its return to the agreed drop-off location and of additional days exceeding the agreed rental period shall be debited to the Customer according to the price list.

9.1. Should the Customer delay, for whatever reason, in picking up or returning the vehicle, he shall give notice thereof to the Blurent Center by e-mail or fax. Should the delay occur the day scheduled for the return of the vehicle, the Customer shall notify the Blurent center indicated in the reservation voucher by telephone. The Blurent Center reserves the right to apply a surcharge for the pick up or return of the Motorhome not at the agreed time.
9.2. The duration of the rental period cannot be extended unless confirmation is received from the Blurent Center . Confirmation must be requested at least 2 days prior to the deadline. If no notice is given, the Blurent Center reserves the right, two days after the scheduled drop off date, to report the failure to return the vehicle to the police authorities.
9.3. In any case, if not agreed upon, the delayed pick up or return of the vehicle shall be debited to the Customer at a cost four times the daily rental rate for each day of delay or part thereof. Authorized delays will be debited at the standard rate indicated in the price list.

10.1. In case of controversies, the law courts of the location of the legal headquarters of the Blurent Center shall have jurisdiction, unless otherwise provided for by law.

IMPORTANT Expenses covered by the customer: the Customer shall be liable for all expenses related to the possible transfer of the vehicle across any border, to the required visas, authorizations for temporary import and export of all of the goods that are present on the vehicle, including all equipment supplied by the Blurent Center.

To make a booking, a down payment amounting to 30% of the total is required. The balance shall be paid 30 days prior to the pick-up date. If the booking is made less than 30 days before the pick-up date, the full amount shall be paid in a single installment.
The price indicated is based on the data available at the time of the booking. Additional sums may be due at the time of pick up for example, for the purchase of additional services requested by the customer after the booking has been made or for pick up/drop off outside the regular working hours (Euro 100 for pick up or drop off on Sundays, pick up or drop off after working hours)

If the cancellation is made before the booking is accepted by the Blurent Center, no penalties shall be charged. The rental Center shall simply return the entire down payment received. Should the cancellation occur more than 30 days before the date scheduled for the beginning of the rental, 50% of the down payment shall be returned. Cancellations between the 30th and 10th day shall entail the loss of 50% of the total cost of the rental. For cancellations after the 10th day, loss of 80% of the total cost of the rental. Cancellation by the rental Center – If the cancellation will be done by the rental station, the client has the right to ask for reimbursement for a maximum sum of the double of the payment made.

The client must leave the guarantee deposit before the pick-up of the vehicle following the instructions on the voucher. The amount of money will be held from the credit card of the client to ensure the payment of eventual damages at the end of the rental. In case no damages are reported the deposit will be returned in full in 14 days. By signing the credit card authorization the client accepts eventual damages occurred to the vehicle during the rental to be debited from his credit card.